McCain “Family Recipes” Lifted from the Bush Administration

The MSM mouse circus has cooked up another diversionary dish ‘o shit this week, the main entrée being a few purloined recipes from the Food Chanel being tossed off as “family recipes” of the McCain family, (as if McCain could find her way to any one of her own EIGHT kitchens, let alone prepare a meal in one of them.)

I say “diversionary,” because it’s just ludicrous the MSM mice could miss old Johnny’s blatant rip-off of Bush’s Iraq War BBQ recipe. They’re the same in every way, and for the press to be raking Cindy over the coals for her petty theft and give her old geezer a pass is total hypocrisy. (I know; what’s new.)

Bush’s/McCain’s Iraq Barbeque

Bush’s Iraq War Barbecue Recipe is identical to John McCains:

  • Preheat the military industrial complex. Select a raw third-world country; make sure it’s well-marbled and has plenty of oil. Attack the infrastructure by placing over high heat, shaking constantly, for 3 to 5 hundred days. When the volume of rubble reaches a nice crumb consistency, remove from heat and set aside.
  • Drain out as much of the oil as possible.
  • Heat the remaining oil over high heat; when the oil is hot, return the country to a boil and pour in as many of the undesirable collateral carbon components as you can, until they are dark brown and crispy; you may occasionally hear cries for mercy coming out of the mixture; pay no attention, it just prolongs the process.
  • Cook until a crust forms; scrape it up, and repeat the process until all components are consumed, or for 50 or 100 years, whichever comes first.
  • If militias should form on the crust, sprinkle liberally with American currency until they are thoroughly saturated and/or mollified.
  • Remember, this is an expensive and time consuming recipe for protracted war; be willing to shed lots and lots of blood and be prepared to stay in the kitchen for as long as it takes.

Oh yeah—I almost forgot— enjoy!


David Weiner at HUFF PO has a clip of Cindy McCain on that bastion of blablablabaloney, THE VIEW. . . We think it was a damned good recipe for Damage Control. Here it is:

• Take every incident of stolen recipes planted earlier in other publications previous to the website debacle, and simply ignore them.

• Then wrap the entire website debacle in ignorance— “I don’t know how it happened.”

• Sprinkle a little silly humor over the fall-guy/gal— send’em to “Betty Crocker (a fictitious woman, BTW) Boot Camp”??
Boot camp is where you get berated and cowed for 18 weeks so you can learn to kill human beings without hesitation and take orders like a robot. Just what every political campaign needs: militant killer robots.

• Then fold this slimy mess into a whole other project— “I’m writing a book!” (Yeah, right — write.)
. . .where it can be deflected, absorbed, and disappear as a two line account of a mistake by an “intern,” who must forever remain nameless, because, well, it’s just another lie.

You can bet your momma’s secret cookie recipe “her book” will not be about how Cindy McCain spends time in the kitchen preparing favorite family recipes.


  1. What kind of salad does one serve with this dish? Can Bush claim one of his interns fabricated the lead up to the invasion of Iraq like Cindy did? Very nice site guys. We will be adding you to our roll. Thanks again for checking us out.

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