Dicking Around at Dickipedia

Most of you old-timie dicks have probably stumbled across Wickipedia by now. Perhaps a smaller number of you also know about Chickipedia. But very few have found their way to Dickipedia; “the wiki of dicks.
It must be fairly new, because there are quite a few really big dicks who aren’t mentioned— yet.

Of course, having a dick technically qualifies any man as a dick, but it does not determine what kind of a dick we actually turn out to be, or how big of a dick we already really are; our personal decisions and actions determine that. It’s a shame ordinary dicks like us probably wont make it into Dickipedia, but we can all learn something about the dicks that are already there, a couple of whom are attempting to run the country now, and the dicks who would like to.

I had a little time to dick around, so I clicked on John McCain, to see what kind of a dick he is. There was the usual stuff about his “flip-flop” on the torture legislation, which is a seriously dick thing to do. How can any man who has survived years of torture vote in favor of inflicting that kind of immorality on more human beings? But, as a dick, I was frankly disappointed to find no mention of one of McCain’s biggest ever personal dick moves: calling his wife a “trollop” and a “cunt” in the same sentence, in front of MSM reporters. No doubt some other dick will add it.


Here’s a section of McCain‘s entry:

“In December 1966, McCain was assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal, which, in 1967 was assigned to join Operation Rolling Thunder, the bombing campaign against North Vietnam. On October 26, 1967, McCain began his political career by being shot down. He was then held prisoner by the North Vietnamese for seven years. During this time, McCain was also tortured. Such barbaric treatment gave McCain a unique insight into the evil of torture. And though McCain’s war injuries left him with limited mobility in his arms, he was still able to pat himself on his back throughout his Senate career for his opposition to the practice. When the Iraq War began, and reports began to appear that the United States has used torture, including waterboarding, on detainees, McCain spoke out.

But in February of 2007, even though he had become the presumptive GOP nominee for president, McCain had still not secured the enthusiastic support of right-wing goons and thugs whose sexual inadequacy has manifested in an extreme love of torture. This group is also sometimes referred to as “The Republican Party.”

Therefore, when an Intelligence Authorization Bill came to the Senate floor that would require the intelligence community to abide by the same standards contained in the Army Field Manual, which bans waterboarding, McCain was faced with a choice: make a principled stand consistent with his avowed opposition to torture, or cowardly choose to abandon his principles and suck-up to the right-wing goons and thugs who sexual inadequacy has manifested in an extreme love of torture. McCain chose the latter.

As many whose views of foreign policy are not influenced by sexual inadequacy have noted, aside from the moral reason to not engage in torture, another is the reasonable conclusion that making practices like waterboarding legal also makes it much more likely that other countries will engage in the same practices on American prisoners of war. McCain’s son Jimmy is, in fact, in the Marine Corps. On February 14th, 2007, Jimmy returned from Iraq, meaning that McCain’s son is now safe from the increased danger of being tortured that McCain’s cowardice has placed other U.S. troops under.”

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