In The Tank For Conservatism (Updated)

shittankConservative Think Stink Tank patrons gathered recently to revivify their ailing philosophy, and to wonder out loud why no one likes them;  right to far right: Rummy-teh-dumby, Dick the Cheney, Hannity Teh Stoopid, Rush teh Outrage, John “You Will Know There Faces and You Will Know Their Names” McLame, Turdblossom Rove, Princess Palin, Loofa O’Really, CondoLeza, James Dobson, Dubya teh Bush, Rev. John Hagee, Joe the Lieberman, Roger Fauxy Ailes, Lindsey the Suck-up, Count Novak, and Phil Gramm-Cracker. Out of the picture patrons include Richard Perle, Mrs. Dick the Cheney, Poppy Bush, and a veritable host of other conservative shitheads. (Click it)

WASHINGTON D.C. — In the film “K-Pax,” Sal, one of the inmates of the ward, was put there after pointing out he could smell the stink on the elite that came and went from the hotel where he served as doorman.  These days, quite a lot of people profess to being overcome by the reeking of the Washington elite, and are not considered mentally unstable, except of course, by the Washington elite themselves.  They recognize the malodorous waft is coming from the inmates patrons of Washington’s oldest and rankest conservative Think Stink Tanks. (Ironic that it was an early incarnation of Senator-elect Al Franken who pointed out the problem of “stinkin’ thinkin’ ” a long time ago.  They ignored him then;  but he’s on their radar now.)

But yes;  the wonder that is conservative national provincialism:  Every nation sovereign, a god unto themselves.  No need for supranational unity.  Some of those nations have open state religions, and some, like us, often pretend they don’t;  some believe might makes right, and some believe they’re right and everyone else is wrong.  One more thing.  If it appears God didn’t create a planetary life system that could withstand the worst amoral attacks and abuses of man, it’s not our problem;  it’s God’s.


Uh, no.  He did not begin any investigations; nor did he spend any time looking for that one moral bone that may be in his body.

The cleansing of the temple, a story most every Christian knows, demonstrates that Jesus did not look with approval upon the refusal to employ force to protect the majority of any given human group against the unfair and enslaving practices of unjust minorities who may be able to entrench themselves behind political, financial, or ecclesiastical power. Shrewd, wicked, and designing men are not to be permitted to organize themselves for the exploitation and oppression of those who, because of their idealism, are not disposed to resort to force for self-protection or for the furtherance of their laudable life projects.  —The Urantia Book

During the past eight years, the Bushmen have done their utmost to entrench themselves behind political, financial, and ecclesiastical power.  Their make-believe foreign policy has failed to do aught that it set out to do, except enrich the coffers of the war profiteers, bankrupting our nation’s treasury in the process. But self-aggrandizing alliances will never prevent wars, or control the several most powerful governments.  As long as America suffers from the delusions of national sovereignty right along with every other so-called sovereign nation in the world,  War will continue.

As the most powerful nation on earth, we have an opportunity and an obligation to lead with our highest vision of the world, a world that offers freedom and liberty to every man, woman, and child in every country;  offers them safety and protection from any source of organized aggression. This can only be accomplished when all cooperative nations join together and form the genuine rudiments of the government of all mankind.

Peace will not come to Urantia until every so-called sovereign nation surrenders its power to make war into the hands of a representative government of all mankind. Political sovereignty is innate with the peoples of the world. When all the peoples of Urantia create a world government, they have the right and the power to make such a government SOVEREIGN; and when such a representative or democratic world power controls the world’s land, air, and naval forces, peace on earth and good will among men can prevail;  but not until then.

And that stink tank philosophy of global hegemony?  That effluence must be washed clean from the minds of the jackasses entrenched in our government.  Dick ‘n Bush are out smearing around vast quantities of…

…but the shine is off those turds for good, and it ain’t ever comin’ back.

Greed in the name of torture and domination has shown itself bankrupt, socially, morally, ethically, and spiritually. Drain the pool.


  1. Propagandee

    Gotta quote Thers over at the Lake yesterday:

    “Looking back through the Bush years for his Positive Accomplishments is, for me, like picking through my toddler’s diaper for the undigested corn. Everyone hates that asshole. Bush Derangement Syndrome, it emerges, was sanity all along.”

    1. Michael Hart

      Hey Db,
      Those two turdlings have spent their time in the tank. but I appreciate your over-arching context; I’m betting they’ll be shocked at their station in the next world.

  2. Hi Nonnie,
    Thanks; there is a diSTINKtly perverse pleasure in splattering teh poopheads wit dey own poopy. And it doesn’t distract me from realizing how utterly nasty they are.

    PS: Thanks for loaning me your tin of Bush Turd Polish, too!

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