Da Borg

coulterborgThere’s a new ReBorglican queen Ann in town, and yes, those monkeys flew right out of where you think they did.

Sorry, no time for blogging tonight.  I’m going to be counting the hours back to Boulder by resisting the ReBorglicans, as they continue their efforts to assimilate hapless Americans who remain vulnerable to their lies and logic because they haven’t learned to think and reason for themselves.  Thus when Piyash Insane Gindal or Mark Sanford bloviate about protecting them from the “generational theft” of the past eight years by assimilating their few remaining dollars— by refusing federal assistance that could save them from destitution in the coming months— resistance is not only necessary, but must be countered with the same kind of relentlessness the ReBorglicans use.

That doesn’t mean we must become automatons like the ReBorglicans as they reshape history, politics, well shit— reality— in order to deny their generational epic fail.  It means we must realize the true power in honest and forthright recognition of our values, and live them in a way that empowers the benefits of diversity, and achieves genuine unity— not uniformity.

The worst of all worlds, the lockstep boot-licking flying monkey fantasies of Richard Pearl, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and all the other bankrupt republican suppositories of the deceased ideas of conservatism, will never come to fruition precisely because they inherently go against all that is ultimately true, beautiful, and good in humanity. Fear and hate guarantee that the values and ideas that ride on their hot air   will pass into an ugly chapter of our planetary history.

ReborglicansReBorglican headquarters, floating aimlessly in the inky blackness of… wait for it… stupidity.

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