Brewing UP Trouble UPDATE 2

Trouble Brewing: The White Rabbit
“Ahh, but that’s the point!  If you don’t think, you shouldn’t talk.”

—The White Rabbit

HERMOSA BEACH — The irony of protesting wasteful government spending by purchasing a million tea bags and throwing them in various bodies of water is lost on protesting Tea Baggers.  Which “grass roots” group came up with those bucks?  Then there’s the sheer craziness of middle class Republicans protesting the end of tax cuts for the wealthy (the way the Republican controlled Congress under Bush wrote the law in the first place) after the passage of the largest tax cut for the rest of us, in our history.

Indeed, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the Party of Tea, but a closer look might begin to explain the crazy inconsistencies which try to pass for reason.

Drew Westen. (Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at Emory University, author of “The Political Brain: The Role of Emotion in Deciding the Fate of the Nation.”)

. . .the modern conservative movement, which eventually came to define the GOP (to its benefit for many years), was built on an ideological foundation— and a coalition—  that was fundamentally incoherent.  It took a charismatic leader to bring it together (Ronald Reagan), a tacit agreement among its coalition partners to give each other what they wanted, and a message machine to start selling the idea that that there was coherence to a conservative “philosophy” that was anything but coherent.

Modern conservatism wove together five discrete strands and interest groups that couldn’t coexist. What is remarkable is how well it held together despite the fact that those strands were actually difficult to interweave.

The first strand is libertarian conservatism, reflected in leaders from Barry Goldwater to Ron Paul. Libertarian conservatives believe government should be small and weak and kept that way through low taxes. From their point of view, the primary role of government is to police the streets, protect private property, and protect the country from external threats (although at times they can get a little histrionic about internal threats as well).

The second strand, with which libertarianism is entirely incompatible, is social conservatism, particularly Christian fundamentalism. Fundamentalists of any sort believe that they have privileged knowledge of God’s Will and hence have the right to use whatever methods available— including the instruments of state— to impose that will on others.  It is one thing to believe, as many democratic (and increasingly Democratic) evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics do, that life begins at conception.  It is another to believe that because you believe that, you have the right to impose your interpretation of the books you consider holy on others who may not share your faith or your interpretation of Scripture.  The fundamentalist politics practiced by the likes of Falwell, Robertson, and Dobson over the last 30 years should have been anathema to genuine libertarians, because they run against everything libertarian conservatives believe in vis-à-vis intrusive government. However, the two groups lived happily together as long as libertarians got to keep their taxes low and their rifles loaded and fundamentalists got to keep their kids from learning anything about birth control (leading the Bible Belt to have the highest rates of teen pregnancy and abortion anywhere in the country, although Sarah Palin seems to be leading a one-family crusade to recapture for Alaska the title of Miss Teen Pregnancy).

The third strand of conservatism is old fashioned fiscal conservatism— the kind that once led Bob Dole to garner his party’s nomination for president but would make him unwelcome in the contemporary GOP.  Fiscal conservatives are essentially soft New Dealers, who accept the premises of the New Deal— that we need a safety net, that when people lose their jobs because of economic downturns they shouldn’t lose their homes, that people deserve some minimal degree of dignity in old age if they worked hard for 40 years—but prefer the safety net and tax codes to be thin. Fiscal conservatism bears no logical relation to social conservatism, and although it bears a superficial resemblance to libertarian conservatism, the two are fundamentally at odds, with one accepting the premises of the New Deal and the other rejecting them.

The fourth strand, national security conservatism, is a different breed. National security conservatives tend to be hawkish (although they have a curious habit of evading military service when it comes their turn), and they are generally quick to accuse others of being soft on the threat du jour (unless the other side happens to be in an interventionist mood, in which case they often morph into isolationists just for sport, as when George W. Bush attacked Clinton and Gore for “nation building” and then went on a six year binge of it). The militarism of national security conservatism is as far at odds from evangelical Christianity (and hence social conservatism) as it could be, given that Jesus preached most about the evils of war, poverty, and public expressions of piety, but somehow Christian social conservatives have found a way to rationalize militarism (not to mention ignore the plight of the poor or blame them for their poverty and build crystal cathedrals). Indeed, fundamentalist Christians were the strongest supporters of the Iraq War of any demographic group other than the Bush and Cheney families.

The final strand of conservatism is the one Nixon exploited with his Southern Strategy and the Republicans have exploited ever since, whether the issue is voting rights, “welfare queens,” affirmative action, or the fate of “illegals”: prejudice, whether conscious (as when Reagan and Nixon used, let’s say, “colorful” terms, to describe those on welfare) or unconscious (as when Bob Corker ran a race against Harold Ford, a black Congressman from Tennessee, asking, “Who’s the real Tennessean?”, when what he was really activating in the back of voters’ minds was, “he’s not really one of ‘us,’ now is he”?).

Given that most white Americans no longer see themselves or want to see themselves as racist, and that they actually consciously eschew racist sentiments and actions such as overt discrimination against people because of the color of their skin, emotional appeals to this segment of the conservative population tend to be strongest when a conscious “text” with some merit (e.g., we can’t simply open the floodgates to all who would want to enter the United States and become citizens) is superimposed on the unconscious “subtext” of prejudice (the people flooding in happen to have dark skin). Although it’s easy to localize this strand of conservatism as Southern, given that the GOP has become a regional party, it is important to note that had the Presidential election only included white voters (the Republicans’ fantasy), McCain would have won in a 63-37 landslide over Barack Obama. But conservatives don’t have much on their side on this one either, except to the extent that they can block the vote, because demographics are running in the wrong direction for them over the next 50 years.

I would never underestimate the ability of the right to find a way to stitch something back together, for two reasons. First, they’re good at it. They’re short on ideas, but they’re long on selling ideas, however vapid. Second, Democrats are exactly the opposite: They’re long on ideas but short on the ability to bundle them into coherent, emotionally compelling narratives that make people want to buy them— except when the GOP is so corrupt, inept, and/or bankrupt (or causing bankruptcy) that even moderate Republicans jump ship.

And all of that is producing the tipping point that will ignite a new awakening into the ideals of the new paradigm of politics that Obama has insisted must be found.  And those ideals must cut across party lines to re-define Americanism— once again— as government of the people, by the people and for the people.

The reality is that it’s going to be difficult to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, and it’s going to take someone with vision and charisma to figure out which aspects of conservatism to bring back into the center and which to catapult without losing a base that is now seriously out of step with mainstream America.

It’s not just that they’re “out of step with mainstream America.”  It’s that they have no longer have legs.  When “truth” is dogmatized— whether by political or religious ideology— it speedily dies.  Truth is alive, and must be lived.  Fossilized values will be destroyed simply by the passage of time— and no longer relevant in a new paradigm of new and emerging truth, beauty, and goodness. America and the world are marching to a new planetary destiny, and there is no turning back to the dead ideas of the past.


  1. Propagandee

    Dr. Westen cites Humpty Dumpty. Let’s go to the video tape:

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean– neither more nor less.”

    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master– that’s all.”

    Sounds like the basic Rethuglican mindset to me.

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