Ode To Sen. Jim Bunning

And to think that I used to collect this guy’s baseball card…


  1. Propagandee

    BB also put a hold on an Obama trade nominee because he wanted Kentucky to be able to sell candy flavored cigarettes to Canada. From this 12/27/09 article in the NY Times:

    One of those finally approved was Miriam Sapiro, who had become the Obama administration’s prime example of stalled nominations since being chosen in April to be a deputy United States trade representative. Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky, put a hold on the confirmation of Ms. Sapiro, an Internet policy consultant, to try to pressure the trade representative’s office to file a complaint with the World Trade Organization against Canada over a law that bans cigarettes with candy flavors.

    Mean doesn’t begin to describe what a loathsome creature he is.

  2. beanball bunning! that’s exactly what i’ve been calling him! he hit 160 batters. he can’t even blame steroids. he’s just plain mean. it’s in his bones. by the same token, he can’t blame senility or dementia now. he’s never played fair. he’s just a bastard.

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