The Creation Of Adam’s Apple

The Creation of Adam's AppleBe with you in a minute, Dad

The Bible assumes that God created Adam as a fully developed man. But per the passage below from The Urantia Book, re “circular simultaneity,” what Michelangelo saw in his mind’s eye as he contemplated Genesis’ account of the creation of the first man, could be but a snapshot in the non-linear cycle of creation that begins, humanly speaking, with the fetus and includes every developmental stage of homo sapiens. This would naturally include what we today call “the teenager,”  with all his or hers past, present, and future eccentricities.

To wit:

 Animals do not sense time as does man, and even to man, because of his sectional and circumscribed view, time appears as a succession of events; but as man ascends, as he progresses inward, the enlarging view of this event procession is such that it is discerned more and more in its wholeness. That which formerly appeared as a succession of events then will be viewed as a whole and perfectly related cycle; in this way will circular simultaneity increasingly displace the onetime consciousness of the linear sequence of events.  (130:7.5)

Once we accept the notion of time as a non-linear cycle of repletion, we might consciously intercept the merry-go-round of creation at any ontological AND/OR historical stage of  manifestation. Assume that the Cosmos is an all-inclusive, responsive living organism, a cosmic computer  The Urantia Book  calls The Evolutionary Supreme.  While not yet contactable in the personal sense of a completed personality, nonetheless one could, with the requisite spiritual and mental insight, catch a fleeting glimpse of the current state of the art of the divine unfolding. In this cosmic gestalt, one would be able to grok the relationship of the part to the whole, of the whole to the part, at least as it is manifest in its current iteration.

Notions like time travel and the many worlds hypothesis of quantum mechanics,  while rooted in materialistic assumptions about the nature of the cosmos, nevertheless provide a conceptual springboard to an expanded appreciation of our divine origin and destiny, paradoxical as it is:

When finite creatures attempt to conceive of infinite unification on the finality levels of consummated eternity, they are face to face with intellect limitations inherent in their finite existences. Time, space, and experience constitute barriers to creature concept; and yet, without time, apart from space, and except for experience, no creature could achieve even a limited comprehension of universe reality. Without time sensitivity, no evolutionary creature could possibly perceive the relations of sequence. Without space perception, no creature could fathom the relations of simultaneity. Without experience, no evolutionary creature could even exist…  (106:9.2)

In close, consider the right half of Michelangelo‘s original painting, “The Creation of Adam.”  The reproduction above will suffice to illustrate the point. Notice how the Creator is framed. Are we not looking at a cross-section of the human brain? If so, is Michelangelo not intimating that his Muse is the Creator Himself. And that said Creator/Muse exists not outside his mind, but within?


One comment

  1. Welllll, maybe. It’s possible Michelangelo knew the shape of the uncased human brain, but it’s also possible he produced it in cosmic coinky-dink.
    I’ll look forward to the answer when I can produce a little “circular simultaneity” of my own.

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