The Blind Leading The Blind

Nameless despair is man’s only reward for living and toiling under the temporal sun of mortal existence. Am I right?

What A Cool Extraterrestrial Alien Would Actually Say If One Made Contact With Us

SINCE EARTHLINGS LACK the means of expedient intergalactic travel, formal contact with extraterrestrial alien life from other worlds will necessarily be their choice. This implies they really have a reason for contacting us, since they could have made contact whenever they wanted. Maybe.


The appearance of mortal beings of “will dignity” is never an accident, anywhere in the entire universe.

The Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ

Then Pilate led forth the bleeding and lacerated prisoner, clothed in a old purple royal robe with a crown of thorns piercing his brow and, presenting him before the multitude, said: “Behold the man!

The Saving Hand Of Jesus

It’s always good day to accept the saving hand of Jesus.
You know; eternal life.


December 3rd marks my discovery of The Urantia Book 45 years ago.  I still take a chunk of the day to reflect on what has happened in my life, since that momentous discovery. 


We take this opportunity to wish you the very best life has to offer this Holiday Season. We are humbly grateful to each of you that visit us here in the b-sphere. . .