To be honest, I had never heard of “LOSERS” Magazine until I happened on a copy at Havana Sandwich Queen at 48th & Park.


El Monstruo: Watching a psychopathic liar rant that all his sexual assault victims are fictional, is not just attempted gaslighting; it’s insanity on parade.


Who could imagine
That they would freak out in washington, d.c.
D.c. d.c. d.c. d.c. d.c.
It can’t happen here
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
It can’t happen here
It can’t happen here
Everybody’s safe and it can’t happen here
No freaks for us
It can’t happen here

Huge Hot Dog Recall Affects GOPPER RNC Convention

Denial is not just a huge piles of dick-like thingies onstage at the RNC Convention. CLEVELAND — Shocking to no one, Tuesday night’s RNC tRumpus Room fadoodle had a few glitches.  In a two hour “elephant in the room” moment, Arizona state senator Kimberly Lee was obliged to speak while ignoring the really HUGE pile of orange-ish huge “hot dogs” immediately behind …


From the Devil Caligastia’s Dictionary: Clintonialism: a neo neo-con foreign policy steeped in intervention, war, regime change, and nation building. See also: Iraq, Libya, Syria.

Etch A Sketch Drumpf (UPDATE)

As the GOP presidential campaign has unfolded, whatever light that the GOP might have once emitted has been sucked into the black hole at the center of the Bizarro universe where their evil twins reside. Those tremors in the Force you’ve been feeling of late is proof that the rupture between the two parallel worlds has already occurred, resulting in the time-space manifold between them being turned inside-out, expurgating their dopplegangers into our every day political reality