Murderous rat and fictional television President,
Francis Underwood, exists in a world of make-believe, fake news, and lies. Or does he.

A Friday Message From Your Emperor

Hello American people, as I begin my very important first trip to another great hemisphere, I want to tell you that I will be thinking and working for you while I’m busy doing other things, believe me.

Nobody Does It Better Than Trump

The list of Trump claims above is not simply campaign braggadocio;  nor is it just a collection of obvious lies; it is an alarming indictment of his mental health, every claim more ridiculous and false than the last. Nobody knew how deeply troubled Trump really was until he ran for office. Nobody knew how quickly he could tell one lie after another, …


The greatest book of all time,* the “Art Of The Deal,” has no advice to help us with the rapidly mutating calamity of the choosing of a mentally ill narcissist to play president.


ACUNA, MEXICO —   Ciudad Acuña is the fastest growing city in Mexico you’ve never heard of.  You wouldn’t know it, to look at what’s left of the place after an F3* fucked the place up a few years ago;  but more than a couple United States presidents have nom nomed tacos in this town. For some dam reason there was …


From the Devil Caligastia’s Dictionary: Clintonialism: a neo neo-con foreign policy steeped in intervention, war, regime change, and nation building. See also: Iraq, Libya, Syria.