We Haven’t Run The Numbers

Ed Schultz is gobsmacked by Paul Ryan’s inattention to detail Picking up where we left off yesterday, documenting GOP Wonder Boy’s votes to explode the deficit while preaching fiscal austerity (and hypocritically requesting stimulus funds and then lying about  it, to boot), Rockin’ Ryan sat down for his first solo interview with, guess who, Fux News. Britt Hume asked him …

Deficits Don’t Matter (Update; 2)

“What kind of irresponsible lunatic would vote for everyone of these misguide fiscal time bombs?”

Stupid Rethug Mediscare Tricks

The Grand Obstructionist Party has known ever since it voted for the Paul Ryan economic plans in 2011, The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise; and again in March of this year, The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal, that the provision calling for the voucherization of Medicare would present the single greatest obstacle to their success in …

Men In Black

“Now that I’ve told you I’ll be taking away your ‘Obamacare,’ I’ll have to use my flashy flashlight thing to erase your memory.”

Red RoveR, Red RoveR, Send More Money Right Over

Surprisingly, War criminal and death row inmate, Karl “Turd Blossom” Rove looks good in prison jumpsuit orange.

Light That Sucker

Last night I was dreaming about Dick Cheney’s colossal twelve story, made of innocent human flesh funeral pyre.

Enter The Willard

Oh yezz.  The Severely CONservative Gover-nerd.   And when I think no way will the American people ever vote for this weaselly, transparent power whore, I remember that enough of them voted to enable the severely conservative SCOTUS to hand us eight disastrous years of George Walker fucking Bush.  Well hold on. You won’t want to miss this bloody clusterphuque.