Trump’s Trump Forecast?? It now appears the president is forecasting his own volatile and out-of-control rage on the entire nation.

Demonizing Muslims: Make America Hate Again

People who are in a position to actually know what they’re talking about have been warning for years that demonizing Muslims and their religion plays right into the hands of terrorist groups people who are in a position to actually know what they’re talking about— have been warning for years that demonizing Muslims and their religion plays right into the hands of terrorist groups like al Qaeda and Daesh/Isil/Isis.

Make Donald Drumpf Again

Hey, if Making America Great Again means destroying the most obstructionist political party in modern history, then Drumpf Is The Man.

The Trump Phenomenon: Thank Fox News

From the film Ghostbusters: Fig Newton Gingrich in the role of Gozer The Traveler * Here we go again. Back in August, we posted Trumpenstein, in which we laid the creation of the Trump Phenomenon squarely at the feet of Fux News: His political persona is as much a creation of the political arm of the GOP, Fux News, as it is …

Carpet Bombing Agrabah

41% of Donald Trump supporters support the bombing of the city of “Agrabah.” Unfortunately for them, the strategic value of same would be nil, since Agrabah was the capital of Princess Jasmine’s homeland in the animated Disney cartoon, “Alladin.” Ted Cruz voters prefer it be carpet bombing, to see if they could “make the sand glow in the dark.”

The Shocking Truth About Donald Trump

In John Carpenter’s classic 1988 sci-fi movie They Live, a race of evil aliens has secretly taken over the planet. They maintain control by broadcasting stealth radio frequencies that not only makes them look like human members of the ruling class, but encodes subliminal messages into various advertising media to manipulate the populace, commanding them to obey, consume, and reproduce. . .

Fear Not

So, don’t look for terrorists to be carrying weapons as they deplane. More likely they’ll be carrying large fruit baskets with Thank You cards addressed to the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre.