To be honest, I had never heard of “LOSERS” Magazine until I happened on a copy at Havana Sandwich Queen at 48th & Park.


El Monstruo: Watching a psychopathic liar rant that all his sexual assault victims are fictional, is not just attempted gaslighting; it’s insanity on parade.

Huge Hot Dog Recall Affects GOPPER RNC Convention

Denial is not just a huge piles of dick-like thingies onstage at the RNC Convention. CLEVELAND — Shocking to no one, Tuesday night’s RNC tRumpus Room fadoodle had a few glitches.  In a two hour “elephant in the room” moment, Arizona state senator Kimberly Lee was obliged to speak while ignoring the really HUGE pile of orange-ish huge “hot dogs” immediately behind …

Clintonialism II: Honduras Edition

But it’s high time an accounting was made. What better time than the present, in a truly revolutionary presidential election year when two of the top three contenders are outsiders whose strength is derived from their break with The Powers That Be and their bloody past?

Troubled Teen Trump Actually Knew Clark Kent

STUMPDIGIT, SOUTH CAROLINA —  In 1983, Fred Trump told an interviewer that his son Donald “was a pretty rough fellow when he was small.”  But as a board member of Kew-Forest School, daddy Trump couldn’t allow Donald’s behavioral problems to go um, “unpunished”;  he fixed that behavior problem by sending little Donnie off to a correctional facility military school, the New York Military …

The Cruzifer Rebellion (UPDATED)

Yet another former Republican Speaker of the House, professional hypocrite Newton Leroy Gingrich (who led the impeachment effort against President Bill Clinton on morals charges while cheating on his wife while she was dying of cancer), said that if it weren’t for the disdain that the country has for Donald Drumpf, they would better understand Cruzifer and what it’s like to work in his sulfurous presence.