Seriously, America? This??

So it may be too soon to start showing America just what a Trump “presidency” will look like. After all, it was many of those same sorry fuckers who elected Ronald Reagan.

The Perils Of HypoChrissy

We can hope, can’t we?  Yes we can. For all her crazy talk, Christine O’Donnell has finally managed to talk her way into becoming a nominee for senator in Delaware,  running as a member of the Republican Party.  Despite canceling appearances on the teevee talking head circuit this morning, early observations are that she can talk the talk; as for …

It’s Not Our Fault

At least some of the outrage that courses through the American psyche today derives from recognition of our shredded values of justice, and whether we can still claim we are a nation of law when our leaders suffer no consequences for their crimes.

Plumbing the Depths of Deplankitude

Sarah did a sitdown phone interview with James Dobson.
She may have even had some notes, but they didn’t have anything in them about the very very strong planks that form the floor foundation of the Republikin party. I can’t be sure if these are direct quotes, but ya know, I think they’re viry viry close.

“REAL” Americans

The “REAL” America Sarah Palin enthuses about to small town America as if she were talking to five year old children can best be understood by its two major differences: yurr Pro-Amerricans, and also yurr Anti-Americans. Pro Amerricans love America, also Anti-Americans hate America. Also, Pro-Amerricans love our flag, Anti-Americans also hate our flag. Pro-Amerricans also hate terrorists, Anti-Americans arrrrrrrrre Terrorists.

Obama: The Real Deal?

He may as well be a brother from another planet: “Greetings; Take me as I am— not as you think I should be.” The “new politics” of Barack Obama are leaving many Americans lost in his dust. Traditionally they may have been categorized— and understood themselves to be— “liberals,” “conservatives,” “progressives,” “Republicans,” “Democrats,” and “Independents.” Not so surprisingly, a sizable …


Back in the day in America, we lived in a free country. In America, you could, if you wanted to, rake up a bunch of leaves and burn them, if you felt like it. Or you could burn trash and garbage in your very own trash barrel. You could fire up a chain saw and cut down a tree on …