Murdoch’s Minions

Admiral Rupert and his would be successors, son James and head wench, Rebekah Brooks The ongoing ship wreck of Rupert Murdoch‘s media empire, News Corporation, dipped its bow farther into the icy waters of the Atlantic yesterday. A year after the company announced its $12 billion offer to buy the 61% of England’s largest satellite tv company, British Sky Broadcasting …

Terrorists And Hostage Takers

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c National Displeasure Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog</a> The Daily Show on Facebook It’s almost like negotiating with terrorists Addressing the tax deal negotiated in secret between President Obama and the Rethugs, Senators Schumer, Sanders, and Boxer, along with Rep. Van Hollen adopted the …

Queen Meg Strikes (Out) Again [Update]

You’d think that having spent $140 million dollars of her own money trying to become governor of the most economically dysfunctional state in the country, Meg Whitman could come up with a media campaign that brands her as an original candidate, someone with the creative chops to think outside the box. But in what has to be the most brilliant, …

Oilmageddon Enters Second Month

Wednesday’s CBS Evening News lead story featuring the BP oil disaster was sickening.  Katie Couric‘s report included new video of a second leak site that adds brings the estimate of the total leakage by independent scientists to 95,000 barrels day, 19x the official  BP-US government calculation (recall that it took over three weeks just to get the first 30 seconds …