Reincarnation: I Wanted To Come Back As A King, But. . .

If you are really going to get stuck in an endless round of successive incarnations as man or woman, some kind of beast, or a weed, you might as well come back as a nice Sativa-Indica hybrid, right?

Rick Perry’s Response

Last August, we had to endure wanna be cult leader Glenn Beck‘s “Restore Honor” rally on the anniversary and locale of  Dr. Martin Luther King’s   iconic I Have A Dream speech.  Billed as a non-political event with the message that America “has wandered in darkness”,  the bullet proof vest wearing Beck told his television audience the following week that “many, many miracles” …

Insanity Sunday: Glenn Beck Explains Satan And Lucifer For Third Graders

“I’m hoping the guy with horns doesn’t actually show up, but he could.” . . . And monkeys in jumpsuits might fly out your butt, too, Glenn.

Clothes Make The Man

According to Rep. Brian Bilbray* (Rhoid-Calif.), “trained professionals” can identify illegal aliens just by looking at their clothes. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. —Mark Twain Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s Hardball, asked Rep. Brian Bilbray to cite a “non-ethnic aspect” law enforcement agents could use to identify illegal immigrants.  “They will look at …

Racist Monkeys

It’s National Monkey Week, a few special days each year when we take our Homo Sapeins ego a little less seriously by contemplating our humble hairy origins as Primates.

Strange Bedfellows

You can live with each other, you just can’t be married.   “And who knows which is which, and who is who” —Pink Floyd   The long evolutionary heritage of religion has always been inextricably linked with the forms and functions of the evolution of government.  Long ago, the early tribal shamans were the go-to guys for all the practices …

Obama: The Real Deal?

He may as well be a brother from another planet: “Greetings; Take me as I am— not as you think I should be.” The “new politics” of Barack Obama are leaving many Americans lost in his dust. Traditionally they may have been categorized— and understood themselves to be— “liberals,” “conservatives,” “progressives,” “Republicans,” “Democrats,” and “Independents.” Not so surprisingly, a sizable …