The extraordinary event began unfolding at approximately 9 AM EST at the Bainbridge House Ballroom when a man…strode to the podium and exclaimed, “Peace be upon you. I am the person you know as Jesus of Nazareth.”

Funambulist In Chief

Despite receiving a thumbs up from a number of conservative foreign policy observers, and the public at large, for his handling of the current Iranian domestic turmoil, the wingers seem to have settled on a narrative that President Obama has been too timid in his response to same. It was a theme dutifully picked up by the MSM at Tuesday’s …

Palin’s Fatal Fundamental Flaw

McPalin wowed the base* with Rovian rancor and division; what’s new. Maybe Sarah Palin was a fine mayor of Wasilli; I ‘ownt even know. And, if in the performance of her “actual responsibilities” as governor of Alaska, she got a bad cop off the street and spared a family some domestic violence, well that’s wonderful. Alaska, and by extension, The …