GOP VP Hot Potato

Don’t be surprised to see this guy standing on a street corner near you With today’s primaries in Pennsylvania, New York, Deleware, Connecticut, and Rhode Island packing all the dramatic punch of a Sarah Palin reality show rerun, much of the punditariat has chosen to turn their sights on the GOP Veepstakes instead. With Willard Romney firmly in the nomination …

Daffy Qadaffy Flashback

Remember the good old days when the Bush Administration embraced Daffy Qaddafi and brought him back into the Brotherhood of Nations, a mere 30 months ago? What went wrong? Did he insult Kenya somehow, and by extension, President Obama‘s extended family? Surely former Secretary of State Condi Rice would answer a call to duty from her current president to help …

Godzilla From Wasilla Meets The Texas Outlaw

More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard.  Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders— “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of …

Hump? What hump?

In a desperate attempt to re-brand themselves as somehow relevant to America’s political future, a number of Rethuglican leaders have taken to the road on a “listening tour,” eager to convince voters that they aren’t the Party of No Ideas, that they have something to offer than just their eternal agenda of tax cuts for the very wealthiest 5%. Not …

George W. Bush Liebrary Update: Fund Drive Kills

An urgent fund raising letter sent to current and prospective donors to the George W. Bush Presidential Liebrary has met with an overwhelming response, yielding over $100 million since the Bush Administration left office.

Prosecuting Bush War Crimes (Updated)

Bushie war criminals having an out of body, out of time experience Left wing extremist and commie sympathizer,  former General Barry McCaffrey weighs in on the implications of the torture memos the Obama Administration released April 16: Nora O’Donnell: General McCaffrey, let me start with you. The President’s speech was largely a pep rally. How do you think it went? …

Torture In Context

Demonstrating an “enhanced interrogation technique” In 1999, Bush‘s family biographer, Mickey Herskowitz, reports that W. told him he was intent on invading Iraq, saying that his status as a war time president would give him enough political capital to push through his conservative domestic agenda. (That would include the privatization of social security whose blood rich corpse would be served …