Commie Pinko. If you wandered in here in the last 24 hours, you may have been greeted by weird theme anomalies, a laundry list of errors at the top of the page, multiple slide show windows, or a picture of a comatose kitten named Commie Pinko. Commie Pinko can sleep through anything, even a major theme upgrade which chews up …

December DICK

Just when you forget Dick Cheney has the world’s most powerful PaceMaker©, he reminds you by doing some fancy Vader-breathin’ on the Fuxdroid outlet. But this time it was the arrival of the December issue of DICK.

This Week In Teh Crazy

When Michelle Bachmann is even too much for Glenn Beck The leaderless Rethuglican Party has no shortage of members eager to grab headlines with ever more outrageous claims and demonizations of the Democrats and President Obama. And I am not referring here to the kind of vitriol vomited out daily by the demented talking heads of professional right wing media. …

The Last Refuge Of A DICK

Sorry kids, no time for blogging today, my socialist postal comrade just delivered the July DICK, which I usually use as a harsh laxative. Although there’s always a Dick on the cover, the mag is not totally dedicated to the current Dick ‘o the walk, Dick Cheney; they cover every swingin’ dick that’s made it into the Dickipedia, as well as most of the worthy contenders. But if dicks keep popping out of the woody-work, they may have to go to a weekly publishing schedule.


The July RETHUGBOT came today;  who’s gonna clean up this mess? Sorry boys and girls, no time for blogging today,  I got sucked into (ha ha ha) reading a free trial copy of RETHUGBOT, the latest liberal rag keeping track of the psycho-ego-maniacal wags ‘o the right.  Like that’s really possible.  I heard it’s being written by a bunch of …

Dick Sorta Comes Out…

Seems like you can’t turn on the tee vee these days without being assaulted by the tortured logic of Dick Cheney. His recent flailings have been focused on massaging a flacid argument for brutality against America’s foe’s, especially the one’s we have in leg irons. But now he’s managed to interject himself into yet another battle raging on the front lines of the war on culture culture war. Sure, closeted gay Republicans have become passé in Washington since the sequestering of the Bush sock puppet down in Dallas, but Dick is on the loose again, and this time he’s got a hard-on for sweet young stud named Spencer.