Now That’s Leadership

It’s as if GOP icon Ronald Reagan had, after firing the air traffic controllers, replaced them with the inmates of Ken Kesey’s Cuckoo’s Nest and Christopher Lloyd’s Dream Team.

A Bridge To The 19th Century (Update)

In my post Monday Don’t Let The Economic Terrorists Win, I drew a brief but straight line between the the union busting attempts of Wisconsin Governor Scott ‘Wanker” Walker, and Naomi Klein‘s thesis of economic terrorism desscribed in her book The Shock Doctrine. On last night’s show, Rachel Maddow interviewed Klein after detailing a hideous piece legislation that just passed …

BP Unleashes Obama Derangement Volcano

Geraldo Rivera interviewing Moonbat Bachmann on Fux News Ever since Rep. Joe Barton apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward for having to endure a “shakedown” by the White House when they agreed to set up a $20b escrow fund to compensate man and nature for unleashing an oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, the winger noise machine has taken …

Real Bad Men Wear Stripes (Updated)

Seantor David Vitter’s “compassion” for this victim of rape lasted nearly 30 seconds, when he started talking over her; it was 64 seconds before he scapegoated President Obama; and a full minute and 12 seconds before he tucked his prehensile appendage between his legs and slithered toward the door.