Fear Profiteers And Propaganda Puppeteers

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Parent Company Trap www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party Fux News has managed to hoist itself on its own cynical,  hypocritical petard once again, this time over the potential funding of the Park 51 Islamic cultural center.  Jon Stewart connects the dots above. About …

A New James Bond

Oh, Oh 7 ready to kick some imperialist ass Juan Cole has a great review of the new Bond movie, A Quantum of Solace, on his blog yesterday titled “A Quantum of Anti-Imperialism.” The movie’s plot involves the attempted regime change of a populist Bolivian president (a thinly disguised Evo Morales) who is unwilling to turn his country’s oil and …