The Apostle Simon Zelotes: Simon The Zealot

Simon Zelotes was a fiery agitator— and also a man who spoke much without thinking. . .

Bush Bids Adieu

Tuesday, George W. Bush held his final cabinet meeting where he said: I tell people I leave town with a great sense of accomplishment and my head held high. The problem with that is, well, obvious. George W. Bush in a rare moment of introspection As the worst president in US history winds down his delusional legacy protection tour, he …

Was Georgia’s Aggression An August Surprise?

I was at the gym yesterday when I saw the live broadcast of John McSame‘s press conference, during which he made his risible pronouncement that: [I]n the 21st century, nations don’t invade other nations. In my subsequent blog, I missed this angle mentioned by Greg Sargent over at TPM (so many hard bodies to ogle, so little time): At a …

Israel Appeases Syria

Last week in a speech before Israel‘s parliament, The Knesset, George W. Bush implied that Barack Obama was a terraist appeaser for his willingness to talk to evil doers like Iran and Syria. His foreign policy clones, John McSame and his Svengali adviser, Joe LIEberman immediately piled on, citing Barack’s inexperience and naiveté. One has to wonder how they feel …