Hearing Martin

Martin Luther King Jr. emerged from the crucible of his times speaking with the timeless voice of eternal truth— and he spoke it fearlessly.

Christian Taliban To Burn Qu’rans

Christian Taliban leader Terry Jones burned in effigy in Afghanistan This Saturday on the ninth anniversary of 9/11, members of a small Muslim hating Christian group, ironically called Dove World Outreach Church, plan to burn a pile of Qu’rans to demonstrate their hatred of Islam. It’s not like we haven’t been down this road before. Five years ago reports of …

Sign Of The Teabagger Times

Billboard in Mason City, Iowa, by the North Iowa Tea Party I hope someone puts this on a handheld sign and brings it to Glenn Dreck‘s big Teabagger love-in in Washington, D.C. next month.  Billed as “Restore Honor”, the rally is to be held at the Lincoln Memorial on the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have A …

Yesterday, Today; Always.

Yes. Yesterday was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Today is our first opportunity since then,  to put his truth to work. And tomorrow, and always. Martin emerged from the crucible of his times speaking with the timeless voice of eternal truth, and he spoke it fearlessly until the fearful took it from us;  now is the time to bring …

We Still Have A Dream

Forty-five years ago . . . A beautiful symphony of brotherhood. Always we may have diversity of intellectual comprehension and interpretation, even varying degrees of socialization, but lack of spiritual brotherhood is both inexcusable and reprehensible. —The Urantia Book H/T to Driftglass; see THIS.

Bomb Bomb Bomb, FlipFlopApalooza

McCain climbs Mount Flipflopapalooza (click it) Johnnie Sidney McCain made his now famous infamous semi-annual monthly weekly pilgrimage to the pungent lava fields of Mount Flipflopapalooza today, and, donning the elaborate headgear of the soulless political automatons of the American archipelago, delivered the latest in an amazing eruption of ratfurker reversals, or in MSM public parlance, “flip flops.” The undeniable …

TAG— You’re IT

As I move around different sites and read articles, I’m often amused and enlightened by the taglines commenters use. Here’s a sampling of taglines I’ve encountered today: Some people fight fire with fire. Professionals use water. “Only a man’s character is the real criterion of worth” —Eleanor Roosevelt …”For beauty,” I replied. “And I for truth— the two are one; …