Tea Party Brownshirts

Rand Paul supporters stomping a member of Moveon.org For those who have doubts about where this country is heading in the post-Bush era, this video should prove instructive. Thanks to the non-stop demonization of progressive groups like Moveon.org and the Tides Foundation from the likes of Fux News and their allies in right wing radio, scenes like the one captured …

The Three Witches

  Reading the following description from Wikipedia of The Three Witches, I just couldn’t help but be reminded of the three crones depicted above.* The Three Witches represent darkness, chaos, and conflict, while their role is as agents and witnesses. Their presence communicates treason and impending doom. During Shakespeare’s day, witches were seen as worse than rebels, “the most notorious …

False Equivalency

Tweety during his silver tongued false equivalency rant On his Hardball show  yesterday, Chris Matthews did a segment called The Hate Machine about the dog whistle relationship between right wing extremists and their “conservative” enablers in the media. Though he didn’t mention the inciters by name, I will– O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck being just the most prominent hate …

Evolution Of Wingnut Deception Routines

“Look out behind you!” – An ancestral Rethuglican deception ploy The ability of primates to deceive a perceived competitor for access to resources or mates conferred obvious survival advantages on those who mastered it. So successful were the results that their victims had to develop effective countermeasures. In time, they evolved the ability to detect physiological clues– facial expressions, vocal …

Amygdala Politics: How Glenn Beck Destroys Your Brain

Right wing fear monger, genus glennusbekasaurus Anger is like a stone thrown into a hornet’s nest. —The Urantia Book Anger interrupts the functioning of your frontal lobes. Not only do you lose the ability to be rational, you lose the awareness that you’re acting in an irrational way. When your frontal lobes shut down, it’s impossible to listen to another …

The Savage Weiner Goes Limp

Talk show host Michale Savage with John McSame during happier times “…[I]t’s a fraud, its a racket…I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is.” – Michael Savage, 7/16/08 Nationally syndicated right wing radio talk show host and hate monger Michael …