Deficits Don’t Matter (Update; 2)

“What kind of irresponsible lunatic would vote for everyone of these misguide fiscal time bombs?”

Let’s Get Down To Business.

The Comeback Team “gets down to business” by working out a few romantic moves on each other.

GOP VP Hot Potato

Don’t be surprised to see this guy standing on a street corner near you With today’s primaries in Pennsylvania, New York, Deleware, Connecticut, and Rhode Island packing all the dramatic punch of a Sarah Palin reality show rerun, much of the punditariat has chosen to turn their sights on the GOP Veepstakes instead. With Willard Romney firmly in the nomination …

Boehner’s Boner & Newt’s Fruits

The Boner hoists himself on his own petard, er, golf club Oops. Republicans stormed Capitol Hill in January vowing to slash discretionary spending by $100 billion right off the bat. In their pledge to America, they promised that, “[w]ith common-sense exceptions for seniors, veterans, and our troops, we will roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels, saving us at …