Atlas Mugged: Making The World Safe For Sociopaths

What do Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan, the Teabaggers, and Lucifer have in common? (If you want to feel the backward, you must click it.) In Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel and current movie, Atlas Shrugged, the ideological template for those wishing to usher in a new Gilded Age run by billionaire plutocrats like the Koch Brothers, Atlas is meant to symbolize …

The Great Glenn Beck Train Wreck

Engineer Glenn runs off the rails In a post titled The Nutty Professor: The Rise & Fall of Glenn Beck, published a couple of days before Fux News announced that they were dumping his show, it might have appeared that we had jumped the Beckian shark a bit soon by asserting his demise as a fate accompli. But it wasn’t …

Republicans Eating Their Own

Gays and Muslims and Compromisers, oh my! Well, February is rapidly approaching and with it the next edition of the Conference of Conservative Political Action Committee, aka CPAC. We’ve enjoyed covering the Wingnut Woodstock conferences here at US.; see here, here, and here. But a dark undercurrent is roiling ‘neath the Winger Sea, a rip-tide that could rip this year’s …

Can I Do It ‘Till I Need Glasses?

Wow, you know the Teabagger crazy train has really run off the rails when Karl Rove gets in a fight with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh over his dissing of their party’s candidate for a critical senate seat. Rove told a devastated Hannity, who has been singing senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell‘s praises, that she doesn’t evidence basic character traits like “rectitude, …

Koch Suckers

Proving that while intelligence may be limited, stupidity is not Getting people to consistently vote against their own self-interest is one of the more fascinating dimensions of American politics, a triumph of modern propaganda technique. You’d think that people who can barely survive on low paying, non-union jobs and have no health insurance for themselves or their families would support …

Destroying The Gulf In Order To Save It

Rep. Paul Broun (Wingnut-GA) dishes up the classic cognitive misdirection some people say ploy, which simultaneously feeds his audience’s Obama Derangement Syndrome while giving himself cover from the M$M by not saying it himself. The issue this time is the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico: BROUN: Our President he is utilizing this crisis of this oil spill to …

BP Unleashes Obama Derangement Volcano

Geraldo Rivera interviewing Moonbat Bachmann on Fux News Ever since Rep. Joe Barton apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward for having to endure a “shakedown” by the White House when they agreed to set up a $20b escrow fund to compensate man and nature for unleashing an oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, the winger noise machine has taken …