Etch A Sketch Drumpf (UPDATE)

As the GOP presidential campaign has unfolded, whatever light that the GOP might have once emitted has been sucked into the black hole at the center of the Bizarro universe where their evil twins reside. Those tremors in the Force you’ve been feeling of late is proof that the rupture between the two parallel worlds has already occurred, resulting in the time-space manifold between them being turned inside-out, expurgating their dopplegangers into our every day political reality

Take This Baby And Shove It

Mittens rejecting one of the 47% 

At least this baby’s presumed stench is constrained by her diaper. Willard wears his on his sleeve.

I hate to say this, but if Ryan wants to run for national office again, he’ll probably have to wash the stench of Romney off of him.” –Craig Robinson, former political director of the Republican Party of Iowa.

A photographic moment that Matt Taibbi might call Mitt’s “cinematic douchiness.”