“He who does not know for what purpose the world exists, does not know who he is, nor what the world is.” As observations go, that one is still completely kicking our asses.

It’s Not Our Fault

At least some of the outrage that courses through the American psyche today derives from recognition of our shredded values of justice, and whether we can still claim we are a nation of law when our leaders suffer no consequences for their crimes.

The Scattered Brotherhood

Finding the Invisible WE HAVE TALKED about the startle of everyday life, how it is not the reality, but the dream life that you see. For when you are plunged into the sea of sensuous existence, your true life leaves you like smoke.  It evaporates into the stuff of dreams;  it is hard to hold yourself to yourself. Your past …

Values Beyond Political Conflict

There’s a common misconception rampant in political and other discourse in the world today, and it leads to all kinds of injustice, terrorism, and other spiritual horrors. It’s the idea that love of what’s right is the same thing as hatred of what’s wrong. The two are like day and night. One heals, the other leads to endless conflict and …