The Hatriot Auntie Christ

Hutaree Jesus Malitia: "Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment."If you want to see the whites of their Jesus eyes, you must lock and load.

The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent
—anonymous on the web, quoting unknown “authoritah”


In a recent Harris poll:

57% of Republicans believe President Barack Obama is a Muslim, ignoring Obama’s professed Christian faith.

45 % of Republicans, and 1 of 4 Americans, believe Obama was not born in the United States  “and is not eligible to be president.”

38% of Republicans believe that Obama is “doing many things Hitler did”

Nearly a quarter of Republicans— 24% — believe that Obama “may be the anti-Christ.”

24% think he IS the Anti-Christ.

Some of the fine folks out there in la-la land are “clinging to their guns and their religion.”  (Who said that?)  In fact, they’ve become so worried about the Anti-Christ, they’ve formed militias.  They’re gonna make sure that the world is made safe for the return of the Jesus of their own devising.

John Avlon

They are self-styled patriots armed and ready for a new American Revolution. They talk of martial law, a seizure of guns and imposition of global government, complete with forced internment camps and mass executions. 

I won’t bore you with a half dozen garden variety explanations of who— or what— the “Anti-Christ” is;   suffice it to say it’s the culmination of 2,000 years of speculation and fabrication by Christian theologians, assorted armchair nutballs, and Theotards.™  And what we’re left with today is a story so crazy, it would make God himself shake his head in disbelief.  That is if he cared about such nonsense.

You see, it’s OUR problem.  Our society must find ways to protect itself from the crazy people among us, since we are unwilling to treat them in any humane fashion, as in mental health care for all, along with physical health care for all.

“Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves
using the sword and stay alive using equipment.”
—The Hutaree

So they are allowed to follow along as best they can, their brain cells feverish and festering, until they step in a pile of Palin Pablum, or they pick up a Beck Bug from a toilet seat somewhere, or a radio spews some Rushit on them.  Soon they’re ready to get sucked into some vortex of seriously crazy shit, buy A LOT of camo gear, and help Jesus kill some of their fellow Americans so he and the angels can stroll through downtown Flint without the benefit of the several law enforcement personnel they executed.

John Avlon

Now that Obama is in office, a whole new cottage industry of hate has opened up: He’s [Alex Jones] selling semi-slick productions with titles like The Fall of the Republic and The Obama Deception, which are passed on like Grateful Dead bootlegs among the Hatriot underground. The pitch is always apocalypse, telling viewers “The last vestiges of our free republic are being swept away . . . the destiny of humanity is in our hands.”  The common ground is opposition to the federal storm troopers he sees as trying to impose one-world government on the few remaining patriots left. When Pittsburgh police engaged in modest riot control measures at a 2009 G-20 summit, Jones was ready to climb the ramparts, referring to the police as “complete enemies of America. . . . Our military’s been taken over. . . . This is the end of our country. . . . They’d love to kill 10,000 Americans. . . .The republic is falling right now.”

Yes, God loves stupid people, that’s why he made so many of them.  But Glenn Beck’s blackboard must still be swept clean of all jibberish, and all pseudo-Christian apocalyptic craziness must— sooner rather than later— be relegated to the trash heap of history.  That could not be more effectively driven home than by the arrest of the Hutaree Christian militia.

The RepubliCons, along with Palin, Boehner, King, et al, and the rabid right corporate Fox holes of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, et cetera, are doing their worst to cause a disruptive panic that will bring down our elected government.  If we would maintain our freedom, we simply must provide for the wise, intelligent, and fearless interpretation of our charter of liberty.  And right now, that means muzzling every sedition monger using our public airwaves.


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