The Real Burial And Resurrection Of Jesus

All five of the women sat down on the stone near the entrance and talked over the situation; it had not yet occurred to them that Jesus had been resurrected.

Top 5 Reasons Why You And The Dude Should Read The Urantia Book

So dude— how’re those New Year’s Resolutions working out for you. . . Still weigh the same? (Me too.) Still self-medicating too much? (Yeah.) Still not exercising (bowling is not exercise) every day? (Me either.) Maybe you should just read a great book instead. A real l l l l ly great book.

The Birth Of Jesus of Nazareth

Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) was born at noon, August 21, 7 B.C. But it’s impossible to get into the “Christmas” spirit in August, so we don’t even try.


Of all the teachings of Jesus, no one thing has been so confused as his promise to come back in person to this world. Here’s the truth of the matter.


DO NOT BECOME DISCOURAGED by the discovery that you are human; but you are destined to live a narrow and mean life if you learn to love only those who love you.

Ultimate Beauty

Pay Up.jpg
Mahh Man…  Make the 1%ers Pay Their Taxes, “Bitch”

#ClayHuntSAVAct will be signed into law Thursday, fuck you very much Tom Coburn.

David Brooks’ pity party:  Why his defense of Brian Williams is really about the 1 percent… via @Salon

Ted Cruz

Once shut down the government with a Dr. Seuss book.

“The Mississippi Klan salutes Alabama’s chief justice Roy Moore, for refusing to bow to the yoke of Federal tyranny,” Brent Waller, Imperial Margarine wizard, wrote in a Stormfront post. “The fudge packers from Hollywood and all major news networks are in shock that the good people from the heart of Dixie are resisting their Imperialist, Communist Homosexual agenda!”


Stewart Refuses

The discernment of supreme beauty
is the discovery and integration of reality:  The discernment
of the divine goodness in the eternal truth,
that is ultimate beauty.

The discernment of the divine #Goodness

in the eternal #Truth

is ultimate #Beauty.