Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and found TEA BAG NATION had arrived! No, I don’t mean the impending police state in ArivaZoni, or the national proliferation of anger, fear, and stupid now coming home to roost across America— I’m talking about the magazine…

Arizona Flies A False Flag

The false flag of Arizona Republicans. PHOENIX – An American citizen was questioned and detained at a weigh station along Val Vista and the 202 freeway, when he pulled his commercial truck in the station for a routine check.  “Abdon,” who now refuses to give his last name, provided several pieces of information, but it wasn’t enough.  He was handcuffed …

Clothes Make The Man

According to Rep. Brian Bilbray* (Rhoid-Calif.), “trained professionals” can identify illegal aliens just by looking at their clothes. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. —Mark Twain Chris Matthews of MSNBC’s Hardball, asked Rep. Brian Bilbray to cite a “non-ethnic aspect” law enforcement agents could use to identify illegal immigrants.  “They will look at …

Wont Somebody Tell Me

Blind Willie Johnson’s plaintive question— What is the soul of a man?— still reverberates today, precisely because men still seek the answer. And fortunately, we live in a time when you can learn more about the soul than you can probably understand.

Just So You Know

Glenn Beck is a Deranged Cult Leader. And the fact he has a national platform and following, Makes him a Dangerous Cult Leader and a national problem. So how much Treasonous Poison can you take, America?

Thank You, Keith.

“That woman is an idiot!” —Keith Olbermann Hoping Keith Olbermann makes this one of his regular weekly comments. We’re certainly going to. • (Unretouched AP photo)

Na’vi Announce icuPAD

While Apple and Google are busy dueling with each other over their silly little tablets, the “fictional” Na’vi Techno giant of Pandora, Ooogle, announced the release of their revolutionary icuPAD.