Oiley Barbour

Louisiana wildlife officials say huge effin’ tar balls have begun washing up on the beach at Port Fourchon, some of them eight inches across.

Nightmare On Main Street

Since the Reagan presidency, the GOP has rightly earned the reputation as The Party of No:  as a rabid opposition party opposed to anything that President Obama and the Democrats propose that might conceivably benefit the middle class and the poor, The Party of No Way Jose;  and as The Party of No Ideas, whose answer for everything is simply …

Please Lord, Kill Obama For Us.

Does anyone in this country know where the line is between free speech and incitement to murder? If you missed Frank Schaeffer on Rachel Maddow Tuesday night, watch the video. Do we just let all the religious maniacs Schaeffer is talking about work themselves into a self-righteous frenzy until one or more of them decide they’ll do the Lord’s dirty …


When Sara Palin saw how much weight Rush Limbaugh had gained since the November election, she quietly chickened out of the CPAC debacle…