Forgive Me If I Speak Bluntly.

Forgive Me If I Speak Bluntly.  Life has a way of making life-changing decisions manifest out of the most unlikely circumstances. Just such a circumstance is at hand. What you make of it is entirely up to you.

Top 5 Reasons Why You And The Dude Should Read The Urantia Book

So dude— how’re those New Year’s Resolutions working out for you. . . Still weigh the same? (Me too.) Still self-medicating too much? (Yeah.) Still not exercising (bowling is not exercise) every day? (Me either.) Maybe you should just read a great book instead. A real l l l l ly great book.

The Ghost In The Machine

The phrase “Ghost in the Machine” wasn’t coined by Sting, but by philosopher Gilbert Ryle, who was attempting to dismantle the aging Cartesian dualism of René Descartes…