The sound check at the Losers Kid’s table got rowdy; a lot of bird flipping, and considerable abuse of little Ricky Santorum.

McInsane Caught In The Act?

Somebody please explain what this photo is. If not a Photoshop gag, then what, exactly? Apparently taken during last week’s debate, posted at HuffPo . If genuine, file it in the Encyclopedia Urantica, under the entry self-parody.

McCain Puts The Mean In Demeanor

As the clip below from last night’s debate shows, McInsane‘s barely repressed rage, rapid eye blinking and weird tongue flicking shows a man who is definitely in touch with his lizard brain. Somebody should point out to him that while his”Fight! Fight! Fight!” attack dog mentality works to keep his wingut base aroused, there’s a larger electorate out there with …

McCAIN: “I don’t even have a Seal.”

McCain “demonstrated a greater command”?! What debate were you watching?
Will somebody give McCain a frakkin’ “seal” so he can move the debate into the realm of adult dialogue? And will the person(s) advising McCreep who laugh everytime he says “I didn’t get voted Miss Congeniality, you know” please have your lips sown shut?

Take De Bait

The first challenge for John McCain is, of course, to take de bait— show up. But declaring yourself the winner before the event isn’t going to gitter done, even in McCain’s maverick version of the universe. What you’ll see tonight, is good ole “Gramps McCain,” creepy smiling, blinking too much, that “left eye” thing, and saying “My friends” just enough …

First They Sell You The Disease, Then They Sell You The Cure

Wall Street Closing In On $700 Billion Bailout Booty Inspired by the scene from the movie Blazing Saddles where the Johnson brothers point their guns at the black Sherriff Bart, who then holds his gun up to his own head and threatens ”Hold it! Next man makes a move, the nigger gets it, ” former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson …