The Devil Is In The Details

Jumping up and down like a demon-possessed succubus in a devilishly daring Satan suit, Michele Bachmann gave Herman Cain a little taste of hell on earth…

Insanity Sunday: Glenn Beck Explains Satan And Lucifer For Third Graders

“I’m hoping the guy with horns doesn’t actually show up, but he could.” . . . And monkeys in jumpsuits might fly out your butt, too, Glenn.


MANKIND HAS ALWAYS wished for a “sign” from the Gods, an augury of such indisputable, authoritative power as to sweep any and all doubts and misgivings aside. And man didn’t hesitate to ask when the opportunity arose to ask God straight out.

New. Cue. Lure. DICKtaters. You Betcha.

New-cue-lure.  When I hear a public servant use the Joe Six-pack pronunciation of the word nuclear, I feel a huge tell on stupid.  Of course Bush was the precedent-setting poster boy who taught us abysmal ignorance always follows on the heels of this particular faux pas. But Flailin’ Palin has a few other “tells,” some of which you may have …


Yep, Chimpy stopped by our office today. The hardcore software geeks have their own communal cell near the center of the campus circles. I was almost finished painting a mural on the last wall of their cube farm, one of four twenty foot tall stucco constraints with no windows;  at least now the poor bastards would have something beautiful to …