Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Prison Industrial Complex

Speaking of the devil, have we mentioned recently that Debbie Wasserman Schultz ― who in her capacity as head of the DNC disadvantaged Bernie Sanders over the original debate schedule, is accused of a conflict of interest in handling tens of millions dollars of Hillary Clinton campaign donations, and was sued last month by the Sanders campaign over access to voter registration information ― is also a stooge of the private prison industry?

Exposing The U.S. Chamber Of Foreign Commerce

The new appropriately named DNC ad: “Stealing Democracy” Over a year ago in a post titled Soylent Green And Corporations Are People Too, I warned about the implications for our democracy if the corporatist dominated US Supreme Court ruled the way I expected them too in the Citizens United case. And when they ruling came down last January, in A …

Afutilestan IX (Update)

US taxpayers funding the killing of its own troops [Note: The arguments of my previous eight Afutilestan diaries explaining why the continuing and escalating presence of US troops in Afghanistan is doomed to fail are incorporated herein.] So what’s new since my last quagmire update? Last night the House approved another $30 billion in military spending in Afghanistan, on top …

How Rethugs Would Govern

The DNC keeps hope alive with their second tv commercial about the Rethug apology tour. First DNC ad capitalizing on Rep. Joe Barton’s apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward Creating ads for the DNC has got to be the easiest and sweetest gig in the biz.