The War On Empathy (Update 1)

Having failed in their previous wars—the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on anything not right wing crazy, the Rethugs have launched a new one—the war on empathy.

Amygdala Politics: How Glenn Beck Destroys Your Brain (Update 1)

    Apparently, proximity to the Bekasaurus is a factor.

Amygdala Politics: How Glenn Beck Destroys Your Brain

Right wing fear monger, genus glennusbekasaurus Anger is like a stone thrown into a hornet’s nest. —The Urantia Book Anger interrupts the functioning of your frontal lobes. Not only do you lose the ability to be rational, you lose the awareness that you’re acting in an irrational way. When your frontal lobes shut down, it’s impossible to listen to another …

Colbert’s Smackdown Of Glenn Beck

Simply brilliant. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The 10/31 Project Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest