Behavioral Economics: The Big Short Part III, The DK Effect Part VI

Tune into any of the three major business news channels and you’ll be treated to an endless parade of “experts” framing that day or week’s trading activities with narratives that, on the surface, seem to explain what’s driving the market at any given time. But after a couple of decades of watching these people, I’ve concluded that a great deal of their “analysis” is simply designed to keep the rubes in the game by providing seemingly “rational” explanations for what are largely high frequency, computer driven trading schemes that use “dark pools” of money and others forms of subterfuge to separate investors from their money.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Part III

According to Fux News host, Obama used a raw onion to fake tears while talking about school kids dying. Recently, it was reported that―horror of horrors!―Obama doesn’t watch enough cable news, and therefore doesn’t understand the nation’s concerns about terrorism…Some would consider eschewing the manufactured reality of the cable news media-industrial-complex a feature and not a bug.

Christie’s Seance Detente

During Tuesday’s GOP presidential debate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie called President Obama a “feckless weakling, ” and promised to initiate a novel form of seance detente to destroy ISIS/ISIL/Daesh


“There is nothing more threatening to the liberal media, in general and to Hillary Clinton, in particular, than a conservative woman.”

Dubai Bye

A Dubai skyscraper flipping off the world The Rolling Depression that began on Wall Street last year just found its next victim, the glittering mirage of a city called Dubai. The announcement last week that it could no longer meet its payment obligations on some $80 billion of debt sent world financial markets reeling. Dubai is the perfect exemplar of …

The Obama Zeitgeist

Hillary Clinton missed the zeitgeist, while Barack Obama not only recognized and embraced it, but due in large part to his diverse cultural and racial background, actually embodies it. Barack’s message of Hope and Change found greater resonance in the Democratic electorate than Hillary’s message of Experience and Leadership. The latter no doubt polled well in Mark Penn‘s focus groups, …

We Must Rise The Occasion

NEW ORLEANS— John McCain stammered his way through one of his more memorable speeches ever Tuesday night, but unfortunately it was memorable for the number of speaking miscues off the teleprompter, not the content. It was memorable for the forced, creepy smiles at the end of sentences that didn’t warrant them. Even his repetitious blinking was unnerving. And with more …