Winning The Crowd

“Are you not entertained?” Like professional comedians who will say anything  for a laugh, no matter how outrageous, politicians like Newt Gingrich will say anything to invoke a sense of outrage. This is both the Newtster’s greatest political strength and greatest weakness. While appealing to the baser emotions of anger, fear, and resentment plays well with the Teabagger activists who dominate …

Bush Wacked

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Decider Returns Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity Jon Stewart on Bush’s No Apology Tour When Jon Stewart mentions half way through this segment that he hadn’t thrown up once, yet, he was referring to a nasty case of the stomach flu …

Bush Bids Adieu

Tuesday, George W. Bush held his final cabinet meeting where he said: I tell people I leave town with a great sense of accomplishment and my head held high. The problem with that is, well, obvious. George W. Bush in a rare moment of introspection As the worst president in US history winds down his delusional legacy protection tour, he …

The Surge Is Not A Success

Urban renewal project in beautiful downtown Baghdad Chris Matthews‘ substitute host, McCain enthusiast Mike Barnicle, reacted incredulously Wednesday to a comment by Iraq war vet Jon Soltz, co-founder and chairman of, that the so-called “surge” has not been a success.  Pressed by Barnicle, who reflects the corporatist media’s official narrative of the surge, Soltz made a number of arguments: …

John McSame

Photo credit: Crooks & Liars Whether its tax cuts for the rich, Iraq, Iran, lobbyist love, opposition to the new bipartisan G.I. Bill– even torture– John McCain continues to morph into George W. Bush. Congressional Quarterly reports that in 2007, “Maverick” McCain supported Bush with his Senate vote 95% of the time, and thus far in 2008, a perfect 100%. …

Israel Appeases Syria

Last week in a speech before Israel‘s parliament, The Knesset, George W. Bush implied that Barack Obama was a terraist appeaser for his willingness to talk to evil doers like Iran and Syria. His foreign policy clones, John McSame and his Svengali adviser, Joe LIEberman immediately piled on, citing Barack’s inexperience and naiveté. One has to wonder how they feel …