The Curse Of Palin

Queen Sarah escapes from Pandora’s Box and offers her “help” at a brokered GOP convention

Women, Religion, And Politics

Jesus revolutionized women’s religious role in early Judeo-Christian society

Dancing With The Zombies

Cain’s chronic cognitive flatulence is early onset stage of Zombie-dumb

Cain: I’m A Koch Brother From Another Mother…

…and proud of it Truth in advertising. Says it all.

KOCH CAIN: The Pizza Pauper

Given an unequal opportunity by the Koch brothers, a black street hustler can be just as successful hustling on Wall Street as he was on Main Street.

Herman Cain: Bizarro World’s Robbin’ Hood (Koch Bros Update)

  The Teabagger’ search for the anti-Romney has been a long and frustrating one. First came Michelle Bachmann. After winning the way overrated Ames Iowa Straw Poll in the same week she was featured on the cover of Newsweek as “The Queen of Rage,” staring into the camera like the batshit crazy religious zealot she is. In near record time she plummeted …

Occupy Wall Street v Teabaggers

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Parks and Demonstration Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook Jon Stewart compares the Occupy Wall Street and Teabagger movements As the Occupy Wall Street protest movement spread to cities all over America, including Los Angeles, Boston, Tampa, Chicago, Minneapolis, …