Clintonialism II: Honduras Edition

But it’s high time an accounting was made. What better time than the present, in a truly revolutionary presidential election year when two of the top three contenders are outsiders whose strength is derived from their break with The Powers That Be and their bloody past?

Strategery Fail

It actually gives me hope that, eventually, US policy makers will finally get a clue about the futility of trying to maintain worn out strategery tropes like: Might makes right, Manifest Destiny, and American Exceptionalism.

Exceptional American Doucherism

Rethugs vote to throw the world’s disabled over the cliff


The contents of General McCrystal’s top-down review of Afghanistan ordered by President Obama found its way into the front pages of the NY Times and Washington Post today. As expected, it paints a grim picture and calls for more of everything– more troops, more money, more nation building– on top of the $ 4 billion a month we’re already spending …

Israel Appeases Syria

Last week in a speech before Israel‘s parliament, The Knesset, George W. Bush implied that Barack Obama was a terraist appeaser for his willingness to talk to evil doers like Iran and Syria. His foreign policy clones, John McSame and his Svengali adviser, Joe LIEberman immediately piled on, citing Barack’s inexperience and naiveté. One has to wonder how they feel …