When Teh SOCIALISM Comes!

When Teh SOCIALISM comes… Teh Great White Stoopid will be dressed up like rodeo clowns and forced to live in feed lots with the other cattle. Right to Far Right: Rush Limbaugh (with ginormous man-boobs), Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint (with banjo), Bill O’Reilly, Max Baucus (chicken suit), Glenn Beck, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell (in back), Rick Santorum, (seated), Sarah Palin …

This Week In Teh Crazy

When Michelle Bachmann is even too much for Glenn Beck The leaderless Rethuglican Party has no shortage of members eager to grab headlines with ever more outrageous claims and demonizations of the Democrats and President Obama. And I am not referring here to the kind of vitriol vomited out daily by the demented talking heads of professional right wing media. …

Bachmann Adds To Her Legacy

Well, the hits keep on coming. Michelle Bachmann on the suspicious re-emergence of swine flu “under another Democratic president”: “I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter,” said Bachmann. “And I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.” …

Amygdala Politics: How Glenn Beck Destroys Your Brain

Right wing fear monger, genus glennusbekasaurus Anger is like a stone thrown into a hornet’s nest. —The Urantia Book Anger interrupts the functioning of your frontal lobes. Not only do you lose the ability to be rational, you lose the awareness that you’re acting in an irrational way. When your frontal lobes shut down, it’s impossible to listen to another …

You Can’t Fix Teh Crazy

You can’t fix Teh Crazy.

The numerous nutboxes that localized majorities of teh stoopid have elected to various public offices are now desperately trying to save the vestiges of the rotting corpse of conservatism, by aligning themselves with the ignorant extremist agitators of the lunatic fringe media. Teh Limpbot. Teh Hannity. Teh Coultergristle. Teh O’Reilly. Teh SavageWeiner. Teh Rest.

American Fascism

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann R-MN, has spelled out some cogent advice for all Americans to consider: “What I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out if they …