Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. . . time to review some of the more insane republicans.

Let’s Get Down To Business.

The Comeback Team “gets down to business” by working out a few romantic moves on each other.

Romney-Bachmann Ticket Would Have Foster Child

It’s Back To The Future Friday, kids, and you know what that means— supercilious speculations are in order.

Johnnie’s Verp or Veep?

Johnnie “There will be more Wars Drill NOW!” McPOW holds his noses as he learns of his Veep selection; some observers insist he was actually verping— in response to Corporate America’s choice of younger, taller real president vice-president, Dick Mittens “Who let the dogs out?” Romney. Oh and— Happy birthday, “Old Spice.” Seventy-two, is it? Nice.