Birther Barf & Obama Derangement Syndrome

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Goldie Taylor exposing the racism at the core of Trumper Birtherism on the Rachel Maddow Show* [* Excuse the fracking fracking commercial.  I don’t have to wonder how Rachel feels about being sponsored by Exxon.] As should be apparent to anyone with half a brain, the whole Birther …

O.J. Simpson: As The Karmic Worm Turns

If the karma fits, you must convict Hall of Fame football player and former Ginsu Knives spokesman O.J. Simpson was found guilty yesterday by a Las Vegas jury of a number of felonies, including armed robbery, guaranteeing that he will spend at least five years in the Big House. The verdict comes exactly 13 years from his acquittal in a …