World Fail 101

Intractable international problems continually and increasingly reveal how ineffective— and unethical— it is for any single nation, like the United States, to assume the mantle of “World Sheriff.”

The World Through Sarah’s Eyes (Update)

Ruh roh;  that Vladdamir Putin is rearin’ his head over there, agin. I don’t think he’s wearin’ a shirt, either. What do Bullwinkle, the Flintstones, ANWR, and Putin have in common? The most unqualified vice-presidential candidate in US history. One who believes that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth together; that Alaska‘s proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy and …

Palin: Commander In Chief In Waiting (Update I)(Update II)

Sarah Baracuda explaining why she murdered Bullwinkle John McSame‘s selection of Sarah Palin for veep was too much even for a Village Elder like WAPO’s Richard Cohen who begins his column today: One of the great sights of American political life — a YouTube moment if ever there was one — was to see the doughboy face of Newt Gingrich …

Was Georgia’s Aggression An August Surprise? Update

Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin Implicates McSame Two week ago, in my post titled Was Georgia’s Aggression An August Surprise? , I noted speculation from the likes of Randi Rhodes, Greg Sargent at TPM and Daily Kos’s Hunter that Georgia‘s aggression against South Ossetia seemed to bear a “Made in the USA” label, designed to benefit Cold Warrior John McSame‘s …