Gays, Guns, God & Gynecology

Hearing into women’s reproductive issues: What’s wrong with this picture?  Last summer when the economy was still sputtering and deficit reduction was all the rage, the Rethugs believed they had the perfect campaign theme to run on—restoring the economy. That they were mainly responsible for its demise was hardly an insurmountable problem in their eyes. Counting on low information voters with …

Tony Baloney’s Congressional Testimony (Update)

BP CEO Tony Hayward preparing for his congressional testimony today Well, watching Hayward’s congressional testimony thus far has been a frustrating exercise, more a textbook example of lawyered up stonewalling. The Mustache of Justice, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), tried in vain to get him to answer the questions posed in the committee’s letter they sent to him Monday. The letter …