Don’t let those punchy headlines fool you;  it’s the black and white Bernie who’s telling it like it is.   My twenty-one year old car is old enough to vote, and like Bernie Sanders, is time-worn and tested to go whatever distance.  Like anything worthwhile it requires occasional maintenance, so it was off to Mike the mechanic today for a checkup.  I …

The Big Short:The Dunning-Kruger Effect Part IV

While there’s been no shortage of post-mortems on the cause of the Great Recession, the most entertaining has to be the new movie The Big Short, a Golden Globe and Oscar nominee for best film, based on Michael Lewis’s book of the same name… The film follows three sometimes inter-related investment entities as they uncover the massive fraud that had taken over the real estate industry, and their efforts to profit from that knowledge. That a morality tale emerges in the wake of their pursuit of “price discovery,” a traditional goal of the free (unmanipulated) market, is just icing on the cake.

The Nature Of The Game

Village hack Joe Klein just doesn’t get it: How incompetent is the Romney campaign? They keep coming up with these stupid gambits–the last was the lie that Obama opposed early voting for members of the military in Ohio–that are shot down instantaneously (everywhere but in Fox-Rush land). And worse, the Democrats–who seem to have a superior oppo team–can often produce counter-stories, …

Nuke It Closed? (II)

Seventeen days after I posted this , Mathew Simmons is back on Bloomberg News with this update. Highlights: 1. He bumped up his earlier estimate of the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf from 70k barrels per day to 120k.  (He’s been consistently ahead of the “official” estimates from Day One). And that unless the well is fused shut …