CPAC 2012 Clown Show

Occupy CPAC featured a Fat Cat Rethug Strangling Working Man balloon The bat (shit crazy) clown signal shone brightly over D.C. this weekend, drawing an A-List of wingnuts to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) convention like moths to a flame. Our past coverage of the Wingnut Woodstock can be found here , here, here, here, and here. Last year, Coultergeist …

Making My Super Bowl Day

Clint Eastwood tells it like it is Yesterday’s Super Bowl was the most viewed telvision event ever, with a world wide audience estimated at 111 million plus. Yeah, it was an exciting game, down to the last second failed Hail Mary pass in the dead end zone by the New England Patriots‘ Tom Brady. But it was the half time interregnum …

The Cult Of Grover: What Rot He’s Wrought

Have the Dems finally tired of being buggered by the mythical unicorn of bipartisanship?

Herman Cain: Bizarro World’s Robbin’ Hood (Koch Bros Update)

  The Teabagger’ search for the anti-Romney has been a long and frustrating one. First came Michelle Bachmann. After winning the way overrated Ames Iowa Straw Poll in the same week she was featured on the cover of Newsweek as “The Queen of Rage,” staring into the camera like the batshit crazy religious zealot she is. In near record time she plummeted …

Where Are The Leaders?

The old saw, “Every nation has the government it deserves” is nowhere more visibly apparent today than in the United States of America.

Rethugs Demand Dems Undergo Empathobotomy

Even before the GOP regained control of the House, they’d successfully cowed Democrats into accepting their terms on legislation ranging from health insurance reform to the extension of the Bush tax cuts. Since then, they have upped their game by extorting large cuts in the social safety net in exchange for extending unemployment insurance to the millions of workers laid off …

Corporate Welfare Queens (Update)

Corporate Welfare Queen, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt During his 1976 presidential campaign, Ronald Reagan captured the public’s imagination by creating a cultural icon: a rich, Cadillac driving Welfare Queen (code for “Black”) to symbolize all welfare recipients as manipulative fraudsters out to game the system at taxpayers’ expense. His pogrom against the poor came to fruition when President Bill Clinton …