This Week In Teh Crazy (7-25-09)

Appearing more diseased and deranged than usual, the defacto head of the Rethuglican party, Bloviator Rush Limbaugh, sporting a positively motivational 65mm hole in his forehead, stunned “inspired” dittoheads by repeatedly plunging a Nazi Air Force officer’s sword through his thorax. “Now,” explained The Blove, “this would kill your average Obamabot-pantywaist liberl; but as you can see, I remain unfazed.”

“There Is Absolutely No Plan”

Ex-governor and potential leader of the free world, Sarah Palin made it clear: “I cannot express enough there is no plan after July 26. There is absolutely no plan.”

Meghan Like, McModerate

O’HURLAHEE’S PUB — Surrounded by Eric Cartman-like WingNut ugly dolls drinking green beer is not Michael Steele’s idea of reaching out to moderates. It’s Megan McCain’s. “I know I’ve like become controversial and my statements are like controversial, but I wouldn’t be on this bar like in my panties if I didn’t think it was important. Period.”

Rush Gets Religion

The menacing Bloviator shed its moorings in a mighty lurch, and careened loquaciously toward the nation’s unsuspecting Capital, where it imagined the “magic negroe” president was praying to “himself”. . . click to see The BLOVIATOR up close and unhinged.