Palin’s Fatal Fundamental Flaw

McPalin wowed the base* with Rovian rancor and division; what’s new. Maybe Sarah Palin was a fine mayor of Wasilli; I ‘ownt even know. And, if in the performance of her “actual responsibilities” as governor of Alaska, she got a bad cop off the street and spared a family some domestic violence, well that’s wonderful. Alaska, and by extension, The …

Back Off!

Barack Obama: “Let me be as clear as possible:  I have said before and I will repeat again, I think people’s families are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as governor, or her potential performance as a vice president.” It may be …

Like Kicking Puppies

That’s right, Grampa Fishbait, teh Beauty Queen looks like your daughter. HYPOCRISY, Alaska— Presumtive GOP presidential nominee John McSteppedinit and his new soulmate VP may be heading to divorce court faster than you can say BabyGate. The story at Daily Kos, growing like a zygote run-amok, is unfolding as you read this. And on Labor Day;  can you dig it? …

Home(s) Again, Home(s) Again. . .

To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Homes again, homes again, dancing a jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog; Homes again, homes again, jiggety-jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Homes again, homes again, market is done. — Apologies to Mother Goose In 2006,  John and Cindy sold their 2-acre estate …

Cindy Goez ta Georgia

Beer baroness turned international crisis manager, Cindy McClown, suffered through a Dukakis moment while assessing civilian casualties in Georgia (“We are all Georgians”) on her sudden tour of the plucky little nation which recently tried to kick Russia in the groin. TBRILISI, Georgia — Johnnie McClown‘s wife, Cindy, visited Georgian refugees Tuesday, and freely shared her favorite family recipes with …

Johnnie’s Verp or Veep?

Johnnie “There will be more Wars Drill NOW!” McPOW holds his noses as he learns of his Veep selection; some observers insist he was actually verping— in response to Corporate America’s choice of younger, taller real president vice-president, Dick Mittens “Who let the dogs out?” Romney. Oh and— Happy birthday, “Old Spice.” Seventy-two, is it? Nice.